Sunday, March 18, 2012

My finish lines

I decided if I am going to be fighting towards recovery I need to know what it looks like. A runner doesn't go into a race without a goal time or goal of finishing. They know the path ahead and know where the finish line is. Since recovery is very much like a race (hills included), I need to know what the finish line looks like.

My ultimate finish line has me married to an amazing husband with kids or at least dogs. I have a white lab coat on and a stethescope around my neck with an animal control emblem embroidered in my scrubs. I am saving animals and using them as therapy dogs for eating disorder patients. Of course this finish line is more like the Boston Marathon finish line because I have a few years till I'm done with vet school (or even in vet school for that matter).

My half marathon finish line: I don't see a nutritionist or therapist and only go to the doc for thyroid checks and when I'm sick. I am running 5Ks frequently, accept myself as I am, go to cycling regularly, and have my TOM back. I can go into any restaraunt or any event and eat whatever I want without worrying about what it does to my body. Food is a part of my life, but it isn't my whole life.

My 5K finish line: I am able to run and cycle for the most part whenever I want. I don't have to see a therapist or nutritionist as frequently. I am more comfortable eating in restaraunts but still glance at the nutrition before going in. I don't rely on pre-planning my meals and snacks. I am not on a meal plan anymore and instead am doing intuitive eating. I can run 3 miles. I am learning to accept myself. I am free of the threats of being kicked out of school.

My 1K finish line (more immediate future): I am approved to run. I am at my goal weight. I still plan out my meals but am learning that it is okay to eat beyond my calorie goal when I am hungry. I have no fear foods. I am going out to eat at least once a month and trying to challenge myself when I do. I am training for a 5K, lifting weights, and not getting caught up in how I look. I am losing my perfectionist tendencies.

I will admit I still have a long way to go even to get to the 1K, but I know it is possible. Every day I will get stronger, be able to push myself farther, and eventually will be able to run for recovery for a figurative 1K, then 5K, with practice a half marathon, and finally will be running the marathon of life with recovery pushing me forward.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dear ED (a lot of cursing sorry)

Dear ED-
I just wanted to write you this goodbye letter. Not because you deserve the time of day, not because you need it, but because I want to have this to look back on when I feel like letting you take control again. So listen up.
I freaking hate you. In fact, I have hated you since you came into my life 13 years ago. You have changed forms, but the whole time made me feel miserable, unloved, and ugly. You have prevented me from giving myself the love and patience I deserve. You have taken the light from my life and replaced it with darkness. You even took it as far as to try and kill me and condemn me to Hell by taking me away from my Heavenly Father. So fuck off.

Honestly all you are is an abuser. You beat me down, spit in my face, and never have anything nice to say. You have turned me against myself and I am fucking done with it. I'm done with your shit, your lies, your destruction of me. You prevent me from feeling proud of myself when I complete meals and move towards recovery. You prevent me from being able to breathe in peace and understanding of myself. You prevent me from being me.

But I'm done with you. I am breaking up with you. No, not breaking up because that means you have the chance of coming groveling back to me to pull me into your clutches again. I am getting a freaking restraining order and permanently removing you from my life. In your place, my God will stand firm. He will have your restraining order nailed to the cross where His blood was shed for me. So fuck off, my God and me are stronger than you. Hell, you need someone to pick on just so you can survive, all I need is God to survive and God doesn't need anything to survive. So whose pathetic now?

I know you are going to try every second of every day to fight for me to come back to you. I know you are going to whisper sweet lies in my ear telling me I need you and with you there is peace. But if it sounds too good to be true, it is, so I will refuse to listen. So fight every day to get me back, but realize you won't win. You can fight, scream, kick, you can do a freaking love dance if you want to I don't care. You can tempt me with power, might, love, whatever the hell you want and it won't matter. My power comes from my Abba Father's love within me. A love that cast out all illness and strife. My might comes from an Almighty God who created the universe with His hands. My love comes from the unfailing love of the Son who gave His life for me. So I don't need you and I refuse to give you the time of day anymore.

Tears will be shed because I will grieve you, but those tears will be replaced by laughter through my Father. I will have to experience a sense of no control, but I know my Father in Heaven has control of my life and only has good plans for me. It will be hard, but life with you is Hell so it can only go up from here. I will learn to accept myself, to freely feel emotions, to put my trust in the Lord, and I will never let you back in. I know when I vowed to you I said till death do us part and I hold true to my vows so you are going to have to die.

Goodbye forever,

I'm done

So I had a huge victory this week. I got rid of my scale. I realized how much it was still allowing ED to control my life. It told me how to feel and determined whether it was going to be easy or hard to fight to recover that day. When it went up I got scared even though I have a significant amount of weight to gain. When it went down, I smiled because it showed me I could eat and lose weight. When it stayed the same I freaked out as well. It was such a tool of judgement and, though I crave the control it brought me, I am glad its gone.
Back to the topic of this post though. Honestly I am just done. I am tired of fighting a battle with myself that I can't win. I am tired of using food to control myself and my body. Sure I do my meal plan and face my fear foods but the fact that's still hard to do really pisses me off. I am done living an unhappy, miserable life where food and exercise are the central focus. I want to go out with friends because I want to go out with them. I want to spend time with my family without the thoughts of how many more snacks I have to do circling in my head. I want to get back to the point where my body and mind are strong enough to endure cycling again and go to a class because I want to not because I feel like I need the calorie burn. I am just done with the torment and destruction that is life with ED. So here I am world. I am coming at you with a fire burning deep for freedom.
It's gonna be hard. I'm going to get worn out. Heck, there are going to be days when I just wanna give up. But I refuse to look back and by refusing to look back, I can't go backwards. With the future in sight the only movement I can make is forward. I'm scared, but more than scared I am excited about the possibilities that a life of freedom has to offer. So ED--I'm done with you and if i have to prove that to you every day for the rest of my life just to get a few moments of peace without you I will. So back off asshole, you don't control my life anymore

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Just a Vessel

So I have been thinking today about something. My body is only a vessel for the person inside. My body is not me and says nothing about me. When I was obese I was the same person as I am now that I am underweight ( a little less mature but still the same person). I feel like the reason I have never accepted my body is because I have never been sure of myself. I have never thought that someone could love someone like me. I mean I am a hippie, animal rights, liberal living in a Southern Baptist Republican state full of people who love to kill animals and hang them on their wall. I have always been picked on for being the Jesus Freak or the Hippie. When my mom started commenting on my body and how it wasn't good enough, that is something I figured I could change to get people to like me. I mean it worked. I lost weight, my mom's family applauded me, I gained weight, they turned their backs on seemed logical.
So in walked anorexia. I mean if I kept losing would people just keep on liking me more and more. Maybe if they liked me enough I could like myself. This is where I went wrong.
 I need to learn to like me for me. Not because other people like me, not because guys are or aren't attracted to me, not because I get the right grades or say the right things or believe the right things, but because I am me. Then my body won't matter as much. Then I will reach the point where I see my body is just what holds my spirit, my being, me inside. People can judge my body and it won't matter because my body isn't me. Heck, people can judge me and it won't matter because I will know who I am is good enough because it is who the Creator designed me to be. I mean it would be nice to accept my body but I don't think I will until I accept myself. If I can't accept the person in the mirror then I won't be able to accept the body in the mirror. Honestly I just fixate on my body and getting it perfect so that I don't have to focus on who I am. I can't change who I am so I don't want to look at that piece of me because if I don't like it, there's nothing I can do about it.
I am also scared to like who I am. To just be me. If I get comfortable will i let myself go, will I stop caring and go to the other extreme with my body and then have this whole cycle start again. Also, if I accept myself I will have to accept that some people won't accept me. For a people pleaser like me that's just hard to do. I want to help everyone and I can't help someone if they don't accept me.Then again, people not accepting me means nothing about me.
Case and point. I look at a pit bull and I see a beautiful, courageous, loving dog that I just want to snuggle with. Most of society looks at the same pit bull and sees an ugly creature to be feared. It is the same dog, nothing has changed about it and there are two opinions. Does this mean the dog is loving, I am right, and everyone else is wrong? Or does it mean the dog is vicous, everyone else is right, and I am wrong? Neither. Our opinions of the dog mean nothing of the dog. If the pit licks me it loves me, if it bites me it may be vicious, but its not that way because of our judgement of it.
So if people's judgements of me don't mean anything about me the only judgement that matters of me is my own. That can define who I am. If I accept me, I will show my true colors, I will be happy, I will be confident. If I continue down this road of condemnation I will end up unhappy, insecure, and most likely dead. It's gonna be a hard road, but I am tired of focusing on the vessel and not focusing on myself. I really am not a bad person and that's what scares me. I am loveable, I am acceptable and yet people don't accept me. It's not because of my body though and as I gain weight I won't lose my friends, because they don't love me for my body. They love me for me. Now I need to do the same. I need to stop hating myself for my body and start loving myself for me.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Flying Free

The tiny dove sat inside of the cage
Stirring not with peace but internal rage
Staring through the bars at the world out there
The more she dreamed, the more she would fear
Fear the world, its unknown mystery
This cage was protection, her life history
She had the key to the world, to open the door
But then there would be protection no more
Frustration grew, contemplation began
Her heart racing, her mind how it ran
What if she was judged, what if her past came back
What if the world was a place of constant attack
The few times she had ventured outside
She came groveling back to the cage to hide
The world got too scary, it just got too tough
The winds got too hard, the storms too rough
And back she would fly, back to the cage
Back to the short-lived peace then internal rage
Her tiny body could take this no more
Next time she flew out she would break the door
She would toss the key and fly as far as she could
 But with this fear she never would
In a world so scary, she couldn't fly out alone
She'd done that before every time she'd flown
But no one would care about this captive dove
That's what she thought then she heard a noise up above
Her gaze shot up to the brightened sky
From above she heard a voice start to cry
"Take flight, go in peace, I will be the wind in your wings, 
I will protect you from all of those evil things
Gaze ahead and you'll see a battle it's true
But no matter what I will fight for you.
Go join the flock that is flying with me, 
Go my princess, fly out,  go and be free"
A fluttering of wings roared through the sky
She gazed straight ahead at the flock flying by
They flew with such strength, with beauty too
It was in that moment she knew what to do
She flew so fast, the door burst off the cage
She flew with the strength of the internal rage
The cage was shattered, the key lost in flight
She flapped her wings with growing might
To the flock she flew to be surrounded by love
The love of others like her, other free doves
Doves once locked in cages, now flying fast
Flying away from the torment of a guarded past
Flying to victory together and strong
Supporting each other when right and when wrong
They were bonded together by their pasts and their cages
By the years of the building of internal rages
They were united by the freedom they found
When they heard the Voice and let freedom abound
The Voice of their Father, of the Wind in their rings
The Voice that let them cry out: "Let freedom ring"

Thursday, March 1, 2012


So here I am a new day, a fresh start, and what is the first thing on my mind when I wake up.....that damn exam. All I am thinking is "You are so stupid for changing your answer from the right to wrong one" and "Why didn't you listen to your instincts. You could have had a higher grade" and "I wonder if the TAs that are grading are going to make fun of you for that stupid answer you put." As I sat there tormented by the judgements circling my head I realized they were all in you's not I's. This was/is not coming from me. This is ED's final plea to get me to come crawling back to his arms. Honestly, I am glad this happened. I am glad I made this mistake now. Imagine if I made this mistake on the final, or on an exam I did really well on. This exam I was sucking on anyway, so making this mistake and being able to learn from it really didn't hurt me. This was going to be my drop exam anyway, so what a better place to make this mistake.
If I keep wallowing in the dirt and grime ED is trying to pull me through I will never be able to have a fresh start. I will never be able to see myself as beautful or acceptable because the dirt will block my eyes. I will never be able to be happy because ED will always be able to knock me down. Maybe God played a role in this. Maybe he saw that I needed to have this experience, to feel crushed and know that I can come out on the other side a victor by turning to Him. I have literally never done this bad on an exam and I think (this sounds weird) I needed to. I need to realize it's okay and just because I failed doesn't mean I'm a failure. Plus, whatever I get on this exam will make my B look a whole lot better haha. So here's to a new day.  Here's to telling ED's voice to shut up. Here's to trying to move on and accepting that the thoughts may come (another imperfection) but I can choose to not listen to them. Here's to peace and love directed not only towards others but towards myself. Here is to acceptance of myself, both the good and the bad, to my mistakes no matter how big or small, and to the lessons I will learn along the way. We all fall down, in that way we are all equal. The inequality that puts one person ahead in the other, is the times we fall, get back up, and keep moving forward.