Friday, March 2, 2012

Flying Free

The tiny dove sat inside of the cage
Stirring not with peace but internal rage
Staring through the bars at the world out there
The more she dreamed, the more she would fear
Fear the world, its unknown mystery
This cage was protection, her life history
She had the key to the world, to open the door
But then there would be protection no more
Frustration grew, contemplation began
Her heart racing, her mind how it ran
What if she was judged, what if her past came back
What if the world was a place of constant attack
The few times she had ventured outside
She came groveling back to the cage to hide
The world got too scary, it just got too tough
The winds got too hard, the storms too rough
And back she would fly, back to the cage
Back to the short-lived peace then internal rage
Her tiny body could take this no more
Next time she flew out she would break the door
She would toss the key and fly as far as she could
 But with this fear she never would
In a world so scary, she couldn't fly out alone
She'd done that before every time she'd flown
But no one would care about this captive dove
That's what she thought then she heard a noise up above
Her gaze shot up to the brightened sky
From above she heard a voice start to cry
"Take flight, go in peace, I will be the wind in your wings, 
I will protect you from all of those evil things
Gaze ahead and you'll see a battle it's true
But no matter what I will fight for you.
Go join the flock that is flying with me, 
Go my princess, fly out,  go and be free"
A fluttering of wings roared through the sky
She gazed straight ahead at the flock flying by
They flew with such strength, with beauty too
It was in that moment she knew what to do
She flew so fast, the door burst off the cage
She flew with the strength of the internal rage
The cage was shattered, the key lost in flight
She flapped her wings with growing might
To the flock she flew to be surrounded by love
The love of others like her, other free doves
Doves once locked in cages, now flying fast
Flying away from the torment of a guarded past
Flying to victory together and strong
Supporting each other when right and when wrong
They were bonded together by their pasts and their cages
By the years of the building of internal rages
They were united by the freedom they found
When they heard the Voice and let freedom abound
The Voice of their Father, of the Wind in their rings
The Voice that let them cry out: "Let freedom ring"

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